Hidden Cozey Grove

I hope you brought your antihistamine, Cozey is in full bloom!

No but really the phrase, “less is more” never applies to any of my images apparently. I like more is more.. is more. It happifies me 🙂

Tons of details to glean over in the credits below, and a couple of new releases from FINCA & Konoha to give your spring scene a boost.

I’m so looking forward to warmer weather and fair winds this upcoming season. It seems as if the world waits on bated breath in uncertainty. While we wait, my hope is that we collectively grow in understanding and enlightenment, especially towards each other.

@Finca Mainstore (Weekend Sale!)
FINCA – Bamboo chimes natural

@Cosmopolitan Sales Room
Konoha – Jacaranda kayla

@Arcade March Event
Raindale Lilydrop hanging bench (Rare)
Raindale – Lilydrop water well
Raindale – Lilydrop “Welcome” sign
Raindale – Lilydrop giant flower – yellow
Raindale – Lilydrop giant flower 2 – blue
Raindale – Lilydrop giant flower 2 – pink
Raindale – Lilydrop giant flower 2 – yellow
Raindale – Lilydrop giant flower – blue
Raindale – Lilydrop giant flower – pink
Raindale – Lilydrop flower lantern – yellow
Raindale – Lilydrop flower lantern – blue
Raindale – Lilydrop flower lantern – pink
Raindale – Lilydrop trellis (white)
Raindale – Lilydrop trellis (gold)
Raindale – Lilydrop ladder
Raindale – Lilydrop tiny pond – light
Raindale – Lilydrop flowers – yellow (floor)
CELESTE – Sacred Hideaway – Light
CELESTE – Moon Chair – Pink – Gold

Other goods:
Konoha WildlyFluffy Natoma Grass
Cube Republic CR Bearded Iris 2
FINCA – round arch hedge lights V2
FINCA – twisted hedge lighted V2
KraftWork Cashmere Collection . Eucalyptus Arrangement Light
Dahlia – J’adore – Flowers – Be Mine
Dahlia – Summer Fling – Cuddle Beach Towel – Pineapple
CELESTE – Winter Magic – 11.Lantern
JIAN Kitten Collection :: Static
+Half-Deer+ Secret Garden Bunny – Sakura
+Half-Deer+ Fairylight Rose Vines – Pinks – Climb Big
+Half-Deer+ Starry Decoration
+Half-Deer+ Backlit Whimsy Light – Raindrops
+Half-Deer+ Backlit Whimsy Light – Cloud B
Plaaka TillandsiaStreptophylla
Plaaka TillandsiaAeranthos
NOMAD // Hibiscus // Potted // Yellow
[DDD] Flower Plot – Round – Daffodils

Ruminate with me...