Fly Away, Butterfly

I got no time to break soul, just let me flow..

Once upon time, in the figment of her imagination, or what we call, Delulu-Land, the Wendz (that’s me!),  had all the desire in the world to be 100%, at the beck and call of… hmm, let’s call the antagonist in this story, the HoovingLoveBomber..yes, that’s a good name.

The HoovingLoveBomber was very kind and very nice to the Wendz (that’s me!) at first. A beloved mentor, and mainstay in her life, the HoovingLoveBomber paid extra special attention to the Wendz (that’s me!).

Then just like the fading tan on Wendz (that’s me!), she noticed something very alarming. A powerful spell had been cast upon her called the ‘Hoovering’ spell. She was frantic! She had the shivermetimbers! She had the big bad A word….Anxietyyyy oh noes! So she went to all of her fairy godmothers and sisters and aunts, and even her stalker warlock to ask for their advice. “HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS SPELL?”

And they all told her the same thing, “Fair Wendz (that’s me!), you have been severely discarded and hexed with the Hoovering Spell! You must stop eating the magical breadcrumbs immediately!”

Fairy Godmother Chicken Dumplings gave the Wendz (that’s me!), a magical potion to drink. “This will cover you completely with all of the LoveLight that your loved ones posses. The HoovingLoveBomber will not be able to stand it and will repel from it.”

Fairy Godsister Shiningsilver also gave the Wendz (that’s me!), a magical potion to drink. “This will imbue you with the awesome power of IDontGiveAFuck, or in short, IDGAF. This is very potent so drink in moderation please.”

Fairy GodDaughter JuneyPooKinz arrived as soon as the Wendz (that’s me!), took her final sip. “MAH! Here is a magical lavender scented BubbleBathBomb… make sure you take daily showers and SOAK your pretty pekkitypekk for you never know when you’ll meet your Mister Wendz!”

With all of the help from her inner circle, the Wendz (that’s me!), gathered what courage she had left, mustered up a bit of divine supernatural strength, prayed to her Father, and took a few steps, away, from the presence of the HoovingLoveBomber. It felt awful, and Wendz (that’s me!), had a hard time breathing normally, her heart hurt through and through.

Thankfully, StalkerWarlock guy came to the rescue with the very last piece of magical advice. “You were under the HoovingLoveBomber’s spell for a long will take just as long to completely be free from the effects. Be good to yourself and be the Wendz (that’s me!), you’ve always dreamt of being!”

And so I have, and so I will.

@Farmers Market May/June 2023
Dahlia – Fruit Basket – Lemons / Gold
Dahlia – Fruit Basket – Limes / Gold
Dahlia – Fruit Basket – Clementines / Gold
Dahlia – Fruit Basket – Peaches / Gold
Dahlia – Fruit Basket – Mangos / Gold
Dahlia – Fruit Basket – Apples / Gold
Dahlia – Hello Summer – Cutting Boards
Serenity Style– Wicker Shopping Cart -Natural Daisies
Apple Fall Gravel Pathway – Corner Dirt
Apple Fall Gravel Pathway – Curve 45 Dirt

Enaitch Modular Garden Fence – Sage
Oh Deer! The Garden: Shed
Oh Deer! The Garden: Wagon
FINCA – Daisy Bouquet (Group Gift)
Konoha – Nemophila ellie
Konoha – Salix goppi
Konoha – WildlyFluffy Natoma Grass
Konoha – Lavender fields
Konoha – Natoma’s Boxwood Hedges
dust bunny . boozy rabbits board
tarte. little fruit tree (Apple)
Harshlands] Fir Tree (Green)
Soy. Ivy Trellis Ivy
JIAN Butterfly Collection
RH Design House CAFE IN THE PARK – Cafe Table & Chair
Trompe Loeil – Transahara Glamping Caravan

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